It doesn't get easier

2016 May 21

Created by Clair 7 years ago
I've thought about you continuously these last few days and had a few emotional moments with tears. Daddy is completing an 150+ miles cycle ride in Europe to raise awareness and funds for Chidren wth Cancer. He is amazing. Being on my own though has meant that I haven't got that distraction of conversation and so free time is spent thinking of you. I do think about your new little brother and sister a lot now, they are growing  and making themselves known in mummy's tummy. I'm always brought back to you as it was after all not so long ago that you were in there. I can't wait for them to arrive to give them all the love that we shared with you. To be able to look at them and see whether you look alike. Will you both have the same hair colour? Will they be a boy/girl? To find out whether you have the same temperament? You will will be there you see. Even though you are not physically with us, you will always be there. 

I miss our cuddles, changing your bum, our baths...everything. 

I still question why, why you. Even though we have a medical explaination as to what happened to you, it still doesn't stop me asking but....why?

Miss you my darling sweet humble son.
I can only hope you are somewhere and that we will one day meet again.

Lots of love,