Lucas at the Speed of Light (21/9/2015 - 9/11/2015)
If, in stopping by, I were to ask you to give me
what is best in us
and if in giving me what is best,
were to ask you to give nothing less
or more than each particle of all love you possess,
made manifest in eyes, in arms
as you held me, if I were to ask you
to love me knowing you were
going to lose me, even if
you were to going to lose me, and if
you were to give me that,
stretching your hearts so hard,
despite pain, tender and sharp, stretching you
far enough to follow me wherever it is
I have gone, have had to go, then,
wordless, I know. Knew
you could. Did. Could
grieve and give and give.
How generous. How good.
I asked, unspoken. Had to.
Heard you answer.
You showed
me. I have known.
However brief my visit,
I have known love.
Elena Alexander
1st December 2015