Approaching your 2nd birthday

2017 August 18

Created by Clair 6 years ago would have been 2 years old next month! Its got me thinking about what you might have looked like, and how it would have felt seeing you on your birthday, sporting a birthday hat and blowing out your 2 candles.

I can imagine you would have had a good mob of hair that we would have already chopped a few times with a coy shy smile. Beautiful blue eyes with a mouth full of teeth - helping you to chomp into your birthday cake! 

I like to imagine, why not. Yes, its painful as its a reminder that I will never get to witness you growing up but its comforting having you in my thoughts and makes me feel humble.

Joel loves to touch my locket with your photo and hair in. In the morning he tugs at the chain wrapped tightly around my neck to find it and there has been many times where he has grasped it whilst he sleeps peacfully on my lap. Your picture on my phone also get lots of slobbery licks which is Joel's attemp of a kiss, lol. 

Joel loves to looks at photographs and I am frequently pointing out those of you, and those of him. 

I miss you my sweet September baby. Mummy remembers every moment we had together, it moght have been short but it was very very special.

Love and miss you my darling boy. 

Mummy xxx