Happy first birthday Lucas 🎈

2016 September 21

Created by Clair 8 years ago
Today, on 21 September 2016 (at 15.26 to be precise) would have been your first birthday. Mummy and daddy wish so much that you could still be here with us, opening up your presents and attempting to blow out your candle on a very special cake that mummy would have made just for you. 

It's been an extremely emotional and exhausting day. Lots of tears, smiles and reminiscing about the happier times. Like when you use to get yourself worked up when mummy and daddy couldn't put your clothes on quick enough. Remembering your little feet with miniature toes like daddy. The way you use to curl up in to a foetus position as if you were still in the womb - you were so tiny that daddy could support you over his shoulder with one hand on your bottom.  We have lots of lovely memories which we will continue to remember you by, and cling to for eternity.  

It's been lovely knowing that you have been in so many people's thoughts today. Mummy and daddy have received so many lovely messages and cards, it really has been touching and truly demonstrates how loving and caring people are. 

It was nice that the sun was shining brightly and warmly today. We brought you a beautiful blue flower from Rachel's florist - the lovely lady that made your posey and donated all the materials for all the wreaths that mummy made at Christmas which raised lots of money for CwC. 

You've also had lots of other visitors these last few days too; Carley and Ella, and Nanny Anita and Auntie Sarah and Auntie Codey. It's nice to know that people want to come and visit you.  I'm sure they will have liked your new elephant as much as mummy and daddy. It stands so elegantly and glowing amongst the greenery, you really can't miss it. We're so pleased with it and know you will have loved it too. 

Happy birthday son, we miss you dearly and hope you are having fun playing amongst the starts with the angels.

Lots of love always.
Mummy xxx
