
2015 December 18

Created by Clair 8 years ago
I often reminisce of the months you were in my belly, wiggling around and exerting your strength with little kicks, catching me by surprise. I always knew you were going to be a strong and intelligent little one, like your father and a feisty one like me :-) 

From the moment you opened your eyes and looked at me, I could tell 
you were going to be inquisitive and full of wonder. The world was going to be your oyster. 

I can only remember a few occasions when I actually saw tears, all other times where you telling us that you wanted comfort either from your bottle or a simple cuddle. That's all you ever wanted, you never even cried when you had a dirty nappy - thats not to say you enjoyed your nappy being changed as that is far from true. You were however such a good little boy. 

We didn't obey the the advice from the books on routine. Instead, we set our own rules and enjoyed lye-ins snuggled up together, and watching you sleep in the evening in the comfort of your sleepyhead on the footstool. We didn't put you down much, we held you close to our beating hearts stroking your face, arms, legs, every part of you.

The myth about babies liking to be swaddled. Well, that is certainly not true. You enjoyed your arms being free. You always somehow managed to get out of a swaddle. It didn't matter how well we had thought we had done it, a hand always found its way out.