Reunited again

2015 November 29

Created by Clair 8 years ago
Mummy and Daddy came to visit today. Mummy made you a nice posey using the fern branches, I hope you like it. Nancy has had a visit from the fresh flowers left, I hope you got to meet them and say hello.

Daddy and mummy are going to get you a beautiful plaque made, we're thinking of getting you an elephant as you use to love to stare at your mobile which had a brightly coloured elephant whilst relaxing in your cot, and the elephant stencilled on the wall next to your changing station whilst having your nappy changed.

Iva from upstairs is going to help mummy make a pretty wreath for you so next time daddy and mummy come to visit we must remember to collect some fern branches.

Love you lots my little angel.
Sending you big cuddles and kisses.
Mummy xxx